About Us

We’re Standing for Truth

About Birchman

Birchman Baptist Church is a dynamic congregation, with people from all over the greater Fort Worth area who have come together for a common purpose—to study God’s Word, to worship Him, to do His work, and to reach the world with the Gospel message.

As a church, we’ve made the decision to stand for the truth of God’s Word. Our church is unapologetically built on God’s inerrant and infallible Word, the Bible.

Weekly Schedule

9:00 AM
Morning Bible Study (all ages)
10:30 AM
Morning Worship
Worship Center
10:30 AM
Worship Teaching Care (6 weeks – 3 years)
Preschool Woodshop
6:00 PM
Kids Venture (preschool – 6th grade)
KidWorks Factory
6:00 PM
MDWK: Student Worship
Conference Center
6:00 PM
HighPoint Prayer Meeting
6:00 PM
Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal
Music Suite & Worship Center
6:30 PM
eXpresso Bible Study with the Pastor
8:00 PM
College Late Night
Fort Worth Coffee Co.
6:00 PM
Young Adults Bible Study
Conference Center

Planning a Visit to Birchman?

We hope the following information will make your first visit with us an enjoyable one. Visitors are honored guests, and we make our passion to see that you feel right at home. Be sure to take a good look around our Web site before you visit to familiarize yourself with our church and some of the friendly people you will meet.

What to Wear

We certainly don’t have a dress code, but we thought you might like to know what to expect when you arrive. Members and visitors that attend our Sunday or Wednesday evening activities are relaxed and casually dressed. Those who attend our Sunday morning service wear everything from casual or business casual to a suit and tie or dress. So, feel welcome to come just as you are. We are honored to have you as our guest.

Getting Around

When you arrive at Birchman you will be greeted at the doors by our Welcome Team, who understand how stressful it can be to visit a new church. They can help you and your family get settled in for a great morning.

During the worship services, you will be given an opportunity to complete a Guest Registration card. Please complete this card and place it in the offering plate as it is passed later in the service. We want to express our thanks for your visit and answer any questions you may have. Your personal information is kept confidential.

On the reverse side of the card you will find the Prayer & Praise tab. Please share your prayer needs with our Prayer & Praise Ministry.

Discover Birchman

This bi-monthly special orientation for all new members and visitors will give you essential information to help you become a fulfilled, functioning member of our church. In just one afternoon, you can meet our staff and find your place to get involved. Discover Birchman will also provide an understanding our church beliefs and vision and show you how to begin building relationships in our church.

Driving Directions

From the east…
On Interstate 30 (the West Freeway) take Las Vegas Trail (Exit 6). Cross Las Vegas Trail and stay on the service road to Dale Lane. Turn left on Dale Lane and drive down to Birchman, which is easily seen on the right.

From the west…
On Interstate 30 take Alemeda (Exit 5A). At the stop sign, cross Alemeda and stay on the service road to North Normandale. Turn left on North Normandale (crossing Loop 820) to the church.

From the north…
On Loop 820, take Chapin Road\Spur 580 (Exit 2). Do not cross or get on Highway 80. Use the turnaround under 820. Stay on the service road to North Normandale, and turn right to the church.

From the south…
Head north on Loop 820 (820 & 20 are one freeway until they split after the HW 377 exit. At this split, you should stay on Loop 820 North/West). Take Exit 2. Cross Camp Bowie Boulevard West (also marked as Spur 580) and stay on the service road (you will pass Fort Worth Harley Davidson) to North Normandale. Turn right on North Normandale and proceed to the church.

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